student pricing
Generally speaking, new Body Sugar Practitioners at Just Peachy start at the Student level, and move on to an Apprentice after the first month. Students do not offer all services as they have not been trained in them yet. Sugaring times for Students are generally double what you would see from a Level 1-5 BSP. Please be aware of that so you give yourself lots of time for your appointment.
Students may or may not be supervised by Management or a higher level BSP. All Students are Certified Body Sugar Practitioners.
Just Peachy will always have at least one BSP in each Level on staff and available for you to choose from. From time to time we will also have Students and Apprentices. Price points for Students and Apprentices will be lower than Level 1.
SugaringARMS - HALF$2540 minsARMS - FULL$3560 minsBACK - FULL$40(includes shoulders) 100 minsBACK - LOWER ONLY$1520 minsBIKINI$2020 minBUM CHEEKS$3060 minsBRAZILIAN - LOYALTY ONLY (V)$4060 minsBRAZILIAN - LOYALTY ONLY (P)$5080 minsCHEST$4060 minsCHIN$1020 minsEARS$2040 minsFRENCH BIKINI$3040 minsLEGS - FULL$60120 minsLEGS - 1/2$40(either top half or bottom half) 60 minsLEGS - 1/4$2040 minsLIP$1020 minsMISCELLANEOUS$1040 minsSIDEBURNS$1020 minsSHOULDERS$2240 minsSTOMACH$4060 minsUNDERARMS$1520 mins