services & pricing
The pricing information below shows the range for each service type. For exact pricing for each Body Sugar Practitioner, please click here and scroll through our staff. They are listed alphabetically. A level 1 Body Sugar Practitioner is fully Certified and will take excellent care of your needs, but has the least amount of experience. The higher the level, the more education and experience, and the higher the price point. Level 4 is management, and Level 5 is the Just Peachy Owner.
For Example: BIKINI
A bikini ranges from $40 -$58 for our Level 1-5 staff



Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5
SugaringAll services with the * beside them are also included in a combo with discounted pricingARMS - HALF$40-53+ARMS - FULL$55-80+BACK - FULL$75-100+(includes shoulders)BACK - LOWER ONLY$35-55BIKINI*$40-58BUM$20-40(Included in every Brazilian)BUM CHEEKS*$50-75+BRAZILIAN (V)*$80-110*BRAZILIAN (V) - LOYALTY*$65-90BRAZILIAN (P)*$110-140BRAZILIAN (P) - LOYALTY*$90-120CHEST$50-75+CHIN*$20-40EARS$30-50EYEBROWS*$15-40FRENCH BIKINI*$45-65LEGS - FULL*$90-120+LEGS - 1/2*$60-90+(either top half or bottom half)LEGS - 1/4*$40-60+(either top half or bottom half, front or back)LIP*$20-40MISCELLANEOUS$30-50+SIDEBURNS*$20-40SHOULDERS$40-60(Included in Full Back)STOMACH$55-75+UNDERARMS$20-40
Sugaring Combos
Often there are 2 body parts that both sugar the same area. For example: a bikini includes the crease between your pelvic region and so does the upper leg. So if you combo these two body parts in your sugaring appointment, you’ll save money!
CHIN & LIP$32-50FULL FACE$55-80(Eyebrows, Lip, Chin, Sideburns, Throat, etc.)BIKINI & UPPER 1/2 LEGS$85-115(top half only)BIKINI & FULL LEGS$115-150BRAZILIAN (V) & BUM CHEEKS$100-140BRAZILIAN & UPPER 1/2 LEGS$125-165(top half of legs only)BRAZILIAN (V) & FULL LEGS$160-200BRAZILIAN (LOYALTY V) & BUM CHEEKS$90-130BRAZILIAN (LOYALTY V) & UPPER 1/2 LEGS$100-140(top half of legs only)BRAZILIAN (LOYALTY V) & FULL LEGS$135-180BRAZILIAN (P) & BUM CHEEKS$130-180BRAZILIAN (LOYALTY P) & BUM CHEEKS$110-155FRENCH BIKINI & UPPER 1/2 LEGS$95-125(top half of legs only)FRENCH BIKINI & FULL LEGS$120-160
Sugaring +
We have many treatments for you to choose from including Facials, Vagacials, and more! What is a Vagacial? It’s like a Facial for your Brazilian area! All of these relaxing services include exfoliation, steamed towels, extractions, massage, a hydro jelly mask, and the use of after-sugaring skin-care products. Most of our Body Sugar Practitioners offer these services as well. Please check each staff members service listing to see what specific services they each offer.
Sugaring Facial (60 mins)$100-135Full Facial sugaring, steamed towels, extractions, hydrojelly mask, & facial massage (including decolletage and scalp massage)Pore-Digger Facial (50 mins)$100-135Enzyme mask, steamed towels, extractions, hydrojelly mask, high frequency light therapy & facial massage (including decolletage and scalp massage)Loyalty Brazilian Vagacial (V) (60 minutes)$100-130Brazilian sugaring (LOYALTY ONLY for those with a V), steamed towels, extractions, hydrojelly mask, and globe roller massage with post-sugaring skin-care productsDeluxe Brazilian Vagacial (V) (80 minutes)$130-160Brazilian sugaring (non-Loyalty only for those with a V) steamed towels, extractions, hydrojelly mask, and globe roller massage with post-sugaring skin-care productsLoyalty Brazilian Vagacial (P) (70 minutes)$140-170Brazilian sugaring (LOYALTY P ONLY for those with a P) steamed towels, extractions, hydrojelly mask, and globe roller massage with post-sugaring skin-care productsDeluxe Brazilian Vagacial (P) (90 minutes)$155-190Brazilian sugaring (non-Loyalty only for those with a P) steamed towels, extractions, hydrojelly mask, and globe roller massage with post-sugaring skin-care productsBum Cheek Facial (60 mins)$85-115Treatment for your bum cheeks: sugaring, steamed towels, extractions, hydrojelly mask, and soothing massage with globe rollers and after-sugar skin-care productsUnderarm Facial (50 mins)$75-95Treatment for your underarms: sugaring, steamed towels, extractions, hydrojelly mask (to aid in lightening of dark spots and helping lighten the hyperpigmentation in the skin), and soothing massage with globe rollers and after-sugaring skin-care productsHydrojelly Mask$50-60Custom hydrojelly mask for your individual skin care needsAdd-On: Hydrojelly Mask$35-40Add a custom hydrojelly mask to your sugaring appointment for your individual skin care needsAdd-On: High Frequency Treatment$10Add the use of a high frequency wand to zap you ingrown hairs or combat your acne for only $10. Available as an add-on to any of the services listed under the "Facials, Vagacials, and More" service menu.
Spray Tanning
At Just Peachy, we only offer the best of the best, which is why our Spray Tans use Suntan, the top-of-the-line sunless tanning product. With proper after care, your spray tan can last up to 3 weeks!
Spray TanningAt Just Peachy, we offer only the best quality of spray tan products from SunnaTan. Your Airbrush Artist can help you customize the perfect shade of tan for your skin. For more info, please call 604-791-1819.Full Body$4530 minsLegs Only$3020 mins
Esthetician services
Botox & Filler: Every 2-3 months we have a Registered Nurse visit the salon and offer Botox and Filler services. The next few days for these events will be: April 10, June 9, and Aug 11th. Unless otherwise notes, botox is $8.50/unit.
Lash Extensions: Choose from Classic or Volume lash extensions to take your lash game to the next level!
Lash Lift + Tint: Looking for a more natural-looking eyelash enhancement? Look no further than the Lash Lift + Tints offered at Just Peachy! It’s the ideal “wake up and go” look, especially for summer time!
For a compete list of all of our “Esthetician Services,” please click the link below…